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Simply can be install like a WordPress plugin or via Composer. Even though simply is not really a plugin it can be installed as such. Or if you don't install WordPress at all you can install it with the boilerplate.

The only tool you required is Composer.

Only one command is required to install a complete WordPress.

composer create-project clementdecou/simply your-project

The boilerplate does not just allow you to install a WordPress and the framework but brings some additional features:

  • The use of .env files
  • Management of WordPress, plugins and theme via Composer
  • Add CLI to create some WordPress features (Hooks, plugins, themes...)

Tree of your main project folder

├── your-project
│ ├── bin
│ ├── config
│ │ ├── application.php
│ │ └── extension.php
│ ├── vendor
│ ├── web
│ │ ├── content
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── composer.json
│ ├── composer.lock
│ ├── wp-cli.yml
│ └──
  • bin contains the framework CLI
  • config contains the framework configuration with two files :
    • application.php contains the main configuration of env files of the framework. Do not modify this file unless necessary.
    • extension.php contains the list of loaded framework extensions. You can add or remove extensions here.
  • web contains the WordPress installation and themes and plugins installed via Composer in content directory.

You have a WordPress environment already installed

  • Download the latest release of the framework
  • Unzip into your mu-plugins directory and rename the directory to "simply-framework"
  • To load the framework create a PHP file at the root of mu-plugins directory
* Plugin Name: Load Simply framework
require __DIR__ . '/simply-framework/simply-framework.php';

Your mu-plugins folder should have a structure like this :

├── mu-plugins
│ ├── simply-framework
│ └── load.php
  • Go into the simply-framework directory and exec composer install
  • That's it 🎊


Now you need to configure your WordPress.