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Template Engine

The second main feature of Simply is the use of the Twig template engine via the class TemplateEngine.


The template engine is a lazy service so you can inject it without asking any questions about performance.


All the documentation for twig is available here. Read it carefully to understand how to use it in the framework.

Custom functions added to twig


To call specific function into twig template you can use fn or function twig function. Here an example to call comments_template function.

<div class="comments">
{{ fn('comments_template') }}

And another example with parameters :

<a href="{{ fn('get_author_posts_url', }}">

Add custom twig configuration

You can add custom functions or globals with the simply/config/template filter :

add_filter('simply/config/template', function (\Twig\Environment $twig) {
$twig->addFunction(new \Twig\TwigFunction('isLive', ThemeSettings::class . '::isLive'));
$twig->addGlobal('theme', new ThemeUtils());
return $twig;

Register custom views directories

To tell Twig where search template files you have to use simply/config/view_directories filter :

add_filter('simply/config/view_directories', function(array $viewsDirectory) {
$viewsDirectory[] = realpath(__DIR__ . '/views');
return $viewsDirectory;