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You create your models. Great ! But how can you get it from database ? The repositories classes are the answer. With these classes when you retrieve your data from the database you directly retrieve models and not WP_Posts.

Not using WP_Query

The goal of these classes will be not to directly use the WP_Query class. Because WP_Query get only WP_Post object and if you want the model you must use ModelFactory or directly the constructor of your model.

Create your repository

To create a Repository class you just have to implement the RepositoryInterface or extends AbstractRepository. The abstract class only add a getReturnObject function to transform WP_Post or other class to your Model.


Extends AbstractRepository is only for Models with WordPress Object.

Several classes exists for differents object type :

  • PostRepository to retrieve WP_Post object,
  • TermRepository to retrieve WP_Term,
  • CategoryRepository to retrieve categories,
  • TagRepository to retrieve tags

Let's take the example of our project model. Create our Repository is simple because we juste have to extend PostRepository.


PostRepository implement find (to get by id), findAll (posts_per_page = -1), findBy to get by criteria.

use Simply\Core\Repository\PostRepository;

class ProjectRepository extends PostRepository {
public function getClassName() {
return Project::class;

You have to implement getClassName to know wich model to retrieve. The repository use WP_Query and the model give the post type information.

And that's it you can retrieve Project using ProjectRepository class and not have WP_Query in your code !